sono Alessandro Dimauro, essere umano felice e fortunato.
Felice di riuscire sempre di più a conoscere me stesso e quindi seguire la mia strada.
Fortunato nel essere riuscito quasi sempre nel mio lavoro a condividere progetti interessanti con tantissime persone e realtà diverse.
Laureato in ingegneria dei materiali nel 1998, ho lavorato come ingegnere nel campo della ricerca e sviluppo dei materiali in varie aziende del settore edilizio, progettazione architettonica, design di prodotto e design di arredamento, in Italia ed all'estero.
Nel 2008 ho fondato “AleDima Studio” per il product design, con particolare attenzione al riciclo dei materiali e alla sostenibilità sociale del ciclo produttivo. E' uno studio creativo innovativo 3.0 in quanto diffuso e dislocato.
Definizione inventata per esprimere il fatto che ogni progetto è stato sempre realizzato attraverso collaborazioni con molteplici realtà: aziende manifatturiere, aziende di design, aziende del settore dell' edilizia, studi di architettura, designer, artisti, artigiani, laboratori di cooperative sociali di inserimento lavorativo, musei, design retails, associazioni di eventi sportivi, apt, ecovillaggi, associazioni di volontariato e tanti entusiasti collaboratori sui singoli progetti......
Non posso qui citare tutti ma colgo l'occasione per ringraziarli per le incredibili cose realizzate insieme. Cercherò di presentarli man mano nei progetti.
I am Alessandro Dimauro, happy and lucky human being.
Happy to be able more and more to know myself and then follow my path.
Lucky in having almost always managed in my work to share interesting projects with many different people and realities.
Graduated in materials engineering in 1998, I worked as an engineer in the field of research and development of materials in various companies in the construction sector, architectural design, product design and furniture design, in Italy and abroad.
In 2008 I founded “AleDima Studio” for product design, with particular attention to the recycling of materials and the social sustainability of the production cycle. It is an innovative creative studio 3.0 as it is widespread and dislocated.
Definition invented to express the fact that each project has always been carried out through collaborations with multiple realities: manufacturing companies, design companies, companies in the construction sector, architectural firms, designers, artists, artisans, laboratories of social cooperatives for job placement , museums, design retails, sporting event associations, apt, eco-villages, voluntary associations and many enthusiastic collaborators on individual projects ...
I cannot mention everyone here but I take this opportunity to thank them for the incredible things we have done together. I will try to present them gradually in the projects.
Working experiences
2008- AleDima Design Studio (Italy) (product design, architecture, research and development green materials)
-consulting for Social Cooperation Companies Brands (Redo Upcycling, Samuele, Border)
Maarten Baas Studio (Netherlands) Design Studio (producing furniture)
-freelance work on projects (-product development -design and development of prototypes)
VITRA Domaine de Boisbuchet (France) Summer design/architecture workshops
-workshops assistant
Zanetti Srl (Italy) Company working in the façade field (curtain walls)
Technical Office ( -drawing and planning of façade ,-product development, -executive drawings and technical sheets for production
-compilation of materials list for purchasing office -technical assistance to customers)
Monica Armani Srl (Italy) Design Company producing study/office furniture
R&D (-design and product development -technical management with suppliers -technical assistance to customers)
ROVERPLASTIK (Italy) Company producing objects for building trade sector)
R&D (-product development -technical management with suppliers -planning of the production -technical assistance to customers -responsible for safety issues and equipment and machineries rules -internal inspector for Quality System EN ISO 9000 )
-Researcher in Polymer and Composite Laboratory
BP BRITISH PETROLEUM Chemicals ( Edinburgh, Scotland)